Thursday, May 24, 2007

Jack Rider was here...

    orasul meu s-a nascut ca un copil frumos. era mic. dar asta e normal la copii. era atat de mic incat avea o singura strada . dar asta nu il deranja, el era mandru de strada lui. era sanatos.
    copilul asta insa si-a pierdut parinti. nu a fost adoptat. a fost preluat. a fost tuns. ingrozitor de urat. apoi s-au pompat in el vitaminele unei cresteri artificiale. i-au fost bagate pe gat pe rand: fabricile megalitice, cartierele dormitoare si monumente cu scop precis. copilul a crescut. din pacate adolescenta lui a fost inlocuita cu o maturitate falsa.
    orasul acesta nu va fi niciodata matur in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
    acum fabricile nu mai sunt. muncitorii isi deschid cu spor buticuri. pleaca in provincie la sfarsit de saptamana. asta e un lucru bun.
    el este un om cu varsta nedefinita, ce a fost insa un copil frumos. trasaturile acestea nu dispar niciodata.

    ce cald e insa.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

pig`s bus stop

    … always saw the pig as a very aerodynamic being. turns out it’s one of the things most likely not to fly… geesh… I guess I was wrong.
    sitting on the bus was I today. bus just goes on and on. it doesn`t stop in any bus stops. it`s a fucking cab by now… thought for a moment I got on the express line. it`s just the one I usually take. my stop is coming up. what`s he gonna?

    it stops.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

to give?

“And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing
He's getting ready for the show”

Bob Dylan – Desolation Row

     you have to know how to give… it`s even more important then giving…
we all give one way or the other… I mean… most of us do.  I believe in a vast majority of givers. I give because I feel bad… guilty.  should I give just because I feel the need to give?
     do I have to?
     you know… giving could very well just be one self inflicted… how should I put it… moral steroid.

      I`ll try not to give anything for a while. maybe that`s just better.


Wellcome ladies and boys

Hello there boys and ladies!

Wellcome one and all to the Jack Raider`s think in a box...